Mar 18, 2010

Lynden Craft Fair- My booth

Here are some pics of the booth I have at the Lynden Fair grounds. It started out quite slow today- I only sold a few things, but I am told it picks up near the end... we'll see :)
Some pics are of ...

...some of the sleep sacks...

...the space with just my tables in it...

...the booth all set up...

...Sleep Sacks!

After about an hour, we changed the set up so the table was in the front- people weren't coming in the booth- I think it was too cramped... and I didn't know where to sit- I didn't want to be in the back cause then NO ONE would come in, and I felt dumb standing out front- this worked MUCH better!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Kar!!
Love ya!!

...and your booth is beautiful:)

Alisa said...

It looks great Karen! Were you taking custom orders too? Hope you had fun!